Monday, December 12, 2011

Chicken Patties have Grey Meat?

The chicken patties are from Safeway %26amp; other super markets, I always notice the meat is grey.. I don't believe that's normal. I believe were eating grey aliens. Yes aliens exist. They are secretive under the governments control. But WHY is the meat grey!?|||A lot of pies, pasties and patties have gray meat and this is just because it's mechanically-recovered (by machines in factories rather than human workers), scraped off the bone for zero wastage.

This also means you might get less desirable pieces of the bird than simply the succulent breast meat and the rich-tasting brown thigh meat. There is a lot of meat on a chicken that we don't normally eat when we roast a chicken ourselves but we can boil a chicken carcass to make a flavorful broth or to make chicken stock.

These pies, pasties and patties also contain chemicals (usually) and preservatives (almost always) so they keep for longer than if you made your own. This can affect the color of the ingredients inside. Why not make your own - you'll really be able to taste the difference.

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