Monday, December 12, 2011

Which 2 would be the biggest deal breakers?

a) you find out your guy has a long juvenile record of petty stuff like trespassing, grey market distribution etc.

b) back at uni, he experimented sexually with his roommate for a half a semester, he got it out of his system and now he knows for sure that he's not gay.

c) he lied to you when he told you he had a degree.

d) he's jilted his last girlfriend(ie. vanishing from one day to the next without notice) and hasn't been in contact since.

(i'm writing a short story and need a female perspective for parts of the plot)|||Man...a and d would probably bug me the most. My first husband lied to me about his credit, I found out he had a record and severe drug issues...I'd met him fresh out of rehab. My credit is ruined because everything had to be put in my name.

and i hate liars...someone who kept skipping out obviously has something to hide. usually another woman!|||for me the two biggest deal breakers would be -

(B) and (C)|||The two deal breakers for me would be a tie between a, and b for the first one and a definite vote for c. If he lies about that well the list could go on and on.|||hes gay.

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