Thursday, December 8, 2011

Congo African Grey Parrot?

I saw this beautiful Congo African Grey parrot at the flea market, he has a red tail and is very nice to people...he even gives kisses...I would like to know if $1,200 is a good price for a 3-year old...and if anyone knows anything about these type of birds...Thanks|||I would do a lot of research about a parrot before you get it. It's a life long commitment + prepared to write up a will and put them in it. My cockatoo is in mine, and even has her own savings account.

On average, you will want a large cage and be sure you can provide a large amount of out of cage time daily. These guys (like cockatoos) are prone to feather plucking if stressed, bored, etc.

You will also have to cook for him/her... daily. I don't own a grey but you can look here %26gt;%26gt;

Another thing to verify is that you have an avian vet in your area and it's important to go to a yearly well-bird exam.

Parrots are great companions but remember, they are a lot of work, they are messy, and needy in terms of attention. Nothing like a dog or cat (when I first bought my 'too 9 years ago I thought it would be simple to care for him). Also please remember that the start up costs are just the tip of the ice berg, they need new toys frequently (I make toys for my 'too and switch them daily), the need high quality pellets and treats, + fruits and veggies daily, and their cages and play stands can cost quite a bit. If you plan on traveling, ever, remember you will need to board your parrot if you can't take him with.... it's much like having a child, forever, they never grow up and go on their own.

1200 seems average for a grey... and remember a 3 year old is young... he will live to be 70+ years!! :)

Oh, and here is a care sheet in case you choose to get the little one :)

Good luck in your decision!!|||African Grey are the best. We have several and the price of 1200.00 is a retail price. Its depending on your price range and the people that would be around such as Pets and kids that like to pick with animals. Some kids do great and some are just trouble makers. Normally you can find breeders that are registered to sell them. Most of our birds were bought in Texas. That average price starts around 650.00 and already winged. If you new to birds you should wait til there winged. They do have a volcabulary of 900 words so beware what you say around the bird. My moms name is joann so when my bird picked up that name my wife questioned me who the heck is joann.. I nearly got in trouble for nothing. lol''|||i have one but i got lucky 800. dollars but he is like 7 years old and very friendly..if he is tamed i would get it cause its hard when they r not. and it depends on where u live too..yeah in texas they r way cheaper..good luck

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