Monday, December 5, 2011

What do you think of the Canon EOS-1D MarkIII (DSLR) camera?

Where can you buy this camera from an authorized Canon USA Dealer for a reasonable price? I am not interested in an import/grey market model of this camera. What are the high points of this camera, and what, if any, are the low points you see using this camera? Has anybody tried to purchase anything at the website(good or bad input would be appreciated)? How long has this camera been on the market for now?|||Camera has been on the market for %26lt;30 days or so.

One of the Keys points is the hypersensitive AF system, which is fine tuneable for photographers tastes. However, if youare not used to fine tuning your cameras AF system (and yor not as this is the first one you can do it with!) Then you may think the camera is acting funny (Back focus/front focus issue).

Canon has a minor firmware update 1.10 to help tweek the AF system to react more like a traditional AF system.

If you are into sports photography (SI or photojournalist) this is a cool camera!

If your into portrature and landscape, I'd prefer the 12 meg full frame 5D and invest extra $$ into the L series lenses|||try yahoo shopping|||Check out

(Canon EOS Digital Camera section)

there are quite a few people there who have this camera and they have posted very detailed reviews.

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