Can u socialise them where i can take them to the park or markets for drives in the car i understand this must be done at at a young age making it a routine, and do they like scatches around the head and cuddles.|||You can take a Grey with you where ever you go. But you need to do some intensive training.
A number of my customers take there Grey's to the park, for walks, shopping where ever they can and around as many different people as they can. But you have to work with them.
A Grey is very shy naturally, they are pry animals, they only have two things they can do when scared, either fly away or bite. All of our Grey's are flighted. When we take them out they are always on a Aviator Harness. They love it and they love going out. They are not nearly as scared because they know they can fly away from danger.
There are a couple of post that ask you to clip your bird. We have 50+ birds none are clipped and we have not lost one bird due to an accident or flying away. Our birds are all health and happy. I also know of a number of people who clip their birds and take them out side without a harness, they get scared, a little bite of wind and they are off and flying, Because they don't know how to fly or turn they just keep on flying in one direction. The only reason you need to clip their wings is if it is unhealthy for them to be flighted...
Another post say how she want to run the animal traders out of business. She does not realize that it is the traders that are saving the birds. If we did not interduce people to these creatures then nobody would care about some bird in south America. But people and work with these intellegent creatures and fall in love with them.
I will get off my Soap box now.|||Take them wherever you want. The like to drive, and get petted.
It is crucial to socialize your parrot and introduce the bird to as many people as possible. This will help many behavior problems.
Also, it is particularly important to socialize the bird with people around his cage. Birds can become very hostile to new faces around their cage, so get them used to this early.
Have fun with your parrot!|||As the others posters have stated you most definitely can and my guys love to be hanging off of me or on their playstands playing. I also take them out for rides as well. The only thing I would add is to PLEASE PLEASE clip the wing feathers first before taking them outside. There are so many pet birds that fly away due to this not being done.|||Greys are not known for being cuddly, like cockatoos, though they do love being pet. And about outings, that would be great. Just avoid dirty air and I would stay away from areas where your bird could pick up bad words. They are quick learners, and you may not want your bird swearing all the way home.|||i have a cockatoo but my mother in law has 2 greys They love attention and talking and LOVE to cuddle lol my cockatoo loves being scratched and yes start taking them outside and in the car while they are young so they get used to it and dont freak out|||yeh im sure ur grey would love going out with you everywhere as they love the companionship. your best bet is to get and hand reared african grey they would be more sociable and will be more likely to allow others to stroke and cuddle them. another thing do not clip the wings that will make the parrot fear u more than anything just buy an avator harness which should come with a dvd showing how to train your bird to get use it it. well hope all goes well.|||I just felt sad when I read your question since of course they like to see things besides the inside of a cage. I hope for the day when people do not buy them so that the sellers do not have a market and then the parrots get to stay in their habitat in the wild and have a happy free life.
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