Monday, December 5, 2011

How to sell stolen goods in oblivion as grey fox?

i'm done the thieves guild questline and i've completed the independant thievery quest, before i could sell my stuff in imperial market to some guy, but now i cant use the map marker to find him and dont know where to sell stolen stuff.|||The guy in the imperial city is gone probably because you completed the quest in Chorrol with the two brother in weatherleah. Your guy will have a mission for you in Chorrol but you can never use him as a fence again. Your next options are the fences in Bruma (his house is close to the church or catch him in the pub at night), Bravil (by the house you can buy), Leyawiin (near the bathing pond), or Anvil (the blacksmith).|||You can go to the original two fences... One was in Bruma... I forgot where the other one was I havent played that game in about a year I but remember most of it.

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