Thursday, December 15, 2011

What is the best hair color for covering stubborn gray hair.?

I have medium-dark brown hair with one streak of gray right in the very top of my head. It hadn't bothered me before, I had just accepted it as a normal part of getting old, I'm 35. Well it didn't bother until the other day, my much older sisters (4, ranging in age of 48 to 52 and are also gray headed) were making fun of me just because of one little streak. Kinda hurt my feelings a little. Well, anyhoo, I've decided to start dying it and I would like your opinions of hair coloring products on the market today, what do you think are the best ones to use. Thanks very much.|||I'm only 26 and I've had the same issue for a few years now so don't feel bad. :-) I was told by a colorist in an Aveda salon that a light shade such as blond would obviously help, since you usually can't even spot grey mixed in with blond. The grey would appear to be platinum highlights. However, my hair is dark brown and I'm not willing to damage it again by going blond, plus it's ridiculously expensive to have your roots done every few weeks at the salon. So I tried several SEMI-permanent hair color shades and brands (supposed to last 24 shampoos) that were specifically advertised to cover grey, but even the black one made no different at all on the grey after about 2 shampoos. I wasn't willing to try anything permanent, since I know if I screw things up my hair would end up doubly damaged when I went to the salon to have them correct it. I know one streak can make you very self-conscious, especially since you're only 35 and probably look very young otherwise. Light blond or brown highlights are also an option, but they tend to be even more expensive than all over color. However, the maintenance is less often.

But if you're going to color it, I'd strongly suggest having it professionally done by a colorist who specializes in covering grey- at least the first time. I don't feel comfortable recommending any of the at-home products I used, since none of them were effective for me. I think that's a question best answered by a professional (who isn't trying to sell you something!)

Good luck with whatever you choose!|||brown will suit u coz u have a medium dark brown hair. and it wont show tat u have applied dye coz it is ur natural hair colour.|||brown|||You need to use professional stuff.. dont use that box crap you can buy at any grocery store. it dries out your hair and can leave it very damaged. You need to go into a beauty supply store and talk to a person in there. make sure you get the right developer and be cautious.... dont go too dark or too light. I would go just one shade darker then you are now to help cover the grey and kinda give you a new look.. just slightly though|||I have tried different hair colors from shades to brands and I like Loreal the best or lighten your hair and highlight it you wont need to color it then.|||i personally think like medium brown hair with like a "honey red " that's what i call it its not red but its not blond its kinda a mellow color. looks great and some times it blends in sorta with medium brown hair|||i use natural instincts and the color i just bought some NICE AND EASY for gray and will try it next ..they are both by clairol and work great!|||DARK BROWN OR CLOSE TO YOUR NATURAL HAIR COLOR ,IF YOU DO NOT WANT A DRASTIC CHANGE BUT IF YOU WANT ALL TOGETHER DIFFERENT LOOK GO A FEW SHADES LIGHTER. CLARIOL AND FEW HAIR PRODUCTS COVER THE GRAY BUT THEY WILL ALWAYS RETURN. GRAY HAIR DO NOT STAY COLORED.|||gray|||The Loreal line "Feria" works awesome. I am a dark brunette also and I get lots of stray gray hairs. I am only twenty two but I have been getting these stray gray hairs since I was 20.

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