Thursday, December 15, 2011

What is the solutions to the water shortage?

Australia is currently in the grip of its worst drought since Federation. Different parts of the country are affected in worse ways than others. However, governments across the nation have generally faced the problem of developing both short and long-term solutions to the water shortage.

As a result, the Queensland Government has decided to conduct an inquiry into the water crisis in Queensland. It is seeking submissions that put forward solutions to the water shortage. Such solutions might include: the imposition of severe restrictions on personal and commercial water use; building of more dams; the construction of desalination plants; sewage treatment; greater use of “grey water” for everyday household use; and the introduction of more market-based instruments to regulate water usage.

You have been asked to prepare a submission that develops policy solutions to the water shortage. Make sure that it considers the impact on business sectors and the community. Potential clients include:

•Australian Water Association

•Australian Conservation Foundation

•Commerce Queensland

•Friends of the Earth Australia|||DeSalination. We have the same issue in California. As usual it will come down to money.|||The earth is 70% water and we still don't have enough..........?????????|||Save water..avoid unnecessary wastage of water...|||Let's all pee into the yellow sea|||the only real and very simple answer, without going into writing up a true submission, is to lower the rate of consuption. the only way to do that is to decrease need and the only effective way to do that is to lower the population. not only will this cure the water shortages, it will also go along way to decreasing the famine, disease, polution, and generally the destruction of this planet all of which is caused by overpopulation.

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